Amour Eternel…



Valentines, Valentines, Valentines… This is not the day for couples as many think. it is simply the celebration of love 

I have a tatoo… a single one and I have now made my mind- was really considering adding one more 😉 but hell no 😛 …

My sole and only tattoo says all about me, and I am happy for being the woman I am. 

I love even those that do not deserve my love, and I pray for the best and good of these that have betrayed me, offenses me or hurts me. 

What goes around comes around… but you just and will always get what you deserve. 

My heart has scares, and marks of love: I have experienced so much love on this earth, that I am that totally fullfilled Valentines bride if it were one to be… 

I just claim for more love to come cause I am born in Venus and Love is always coming my way: my blesses are overwhelming: Mum, dad, my brothers and sisters, Andreas, my children, Sven, my friends, my life, my work, my beauty, my amazing good health… O I could go on the whole night… but no need: I am blessed, loved, protected by Amore and wish you all a happy Valentines it all about you opening up for love, unconditional one. All we need is love, and I LOVE YOU, and will always do: så är mitt hjärta programmerad 
